
“买球” 英国求职 | 行为面试经典案例分析(上篇)

2023-12-13 00:23:02

大家有相识过行为面试吗?在面试环节,经常会被问到的一道关卡就是behavior interview。接下来的内容完全干货,请收藏使用!我们将从8大问题(分为上下两部门),通过STAR分析法(Situation;Task;Action;Result)来给大家深度解读如何见招拆招。不清楚STAR分析法的同学,可在我们学习资源共享群里找到这篇文章,好好阅读。

首先来看看我们英国导师是如何解读Star Stories的吧。STAR StoriesLet’s look at information about you that is crucial to your success and highly prized by Employers. STAR stories are a simple tool designed to help you access the memory files that contain the standards, quality and success you have achieved.STAR stories cont.• CompetencyA competency is a behaviour or skill you use e.g. Teamwork, flexibility, cost saving etc. • SituationSetting up the story with a setting, time, and place. Think of a time, date, setting, job title and place where you have used this particular competency.• TaskWhat task or problem were you confronted with? • ActionWhat action did you take? • ResultWhat were the results of those actions? This is the real value. Ask yourself what commercial benefit was brought about by this story?For example, Did you:• Make a company money, save a company money, save a company time.• Receive rewards or recognition, improve teamwork and relationships.• Cut costs, make something look better, get something done more quickly.• Improve Sales/Profit/Turnover, provide more information, open more territories.• Diversify the risks, get Government support, turn round a bad situation preserved competitive advantage, improve the packaging, avoid potential problems.• Organise something, use old things in a new way, provide a tax advantage.• Meet deadlines consistently, reduce inventories, develop staff performance.• Introduce new systems.接下来直接上案例干货!!案例1CASE 11. 请你举一个详细的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目的,然后到达这个目的。



案例2CASE 22.请举例说明你在一项团队运动中如何团结他人,而且起到向导者的作用,并领导团队最终获得所希望的效果。S:GBCC战略角逐中担任leader。T:角逐分为5小时短案例和24小时长案例两部门,参赛队伍需要在有限的时间内完成案例的分析、方案的制定以及战略的演示。A:识别和整合各成员的优势和特长,在讨论差别的议题时主动询问对应成员的意见,尊重成员的建议;和各成员划分建设良好的关系,记着他们的喜好和特征,建设团队默契(定时团建,一起庆祝生日);主动负担每次讨论后的总结和方案框架搭建的事情,分配任务以及协助各成员间事情。



